There is Ranveer Singh who went down on one knee and offered a cushion heart when Deepika Padukone went up on stage to receive her 'Woman of the Year' award at IIFA. And then there is this fan who got a chance to get up on stage and ask his favourite star for a hug. A bit reluctant at first, Deepika said, 'But I am very shy' but the next moment, she went on to say, "But I can shake your hand though". The fan ran back and kissed her hand.
Just recently, while partying with the 'DDD' gang, Deepika Padukone stepped in, when the security personnel were tussling with a persistent fan. The dimpled beauty who always goes an extra mile to keep her fans happy, willingly posed with the fan for a selfie.
Seldom do we realise that stars with million followers are always in the line of danger. But Deepika is one gracious lady who has trusted her instincts and made sure she doesn't disappoint her admirers.