Ram Charan, Srinu Vaitla Movie News: The shooting of Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Srinu Vaitla's upcoming movie is going at incredible speed. Ram Charan who returned to Dubai after a small vacation with his family has joined the sets of the movie and wrapped up the second schedule recently. The film-makers are leaving no stone unturned to finish the movie on time and has started the post-production work simultaneously.
That's not all, the unit is also busy with the pre-production work of the next schedule which is going to commence from April 22 in Hyderabad. Soon after this schedule, the unit will leave for abroad to shoot songs on Charan and Rakul Preet Singh. Produced by Danayya, the film is slated for release on Dussera. Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan are penning the dialogues and story, while Thaman composes the sound tracks.
That's not all, the unit is also busy with the pre-production work of the next schedule which is going to commence from April 22 in Hyderabad. Soon after this schedule, the unit will leave for abroad to shoot songs on Charan and Rakul Preet Singh. Produced by Danayya, the film is slated for release on Dussera. Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan are penning the dialogues and story, while Thaman composes the sound tracks.