With all the hype and hoopla surrounding his latest magnum opus Baahubali, SS Rajamouli is undoubtedly one of the most happening directors in the country at the moment. Recently, the master filmmaker was in Chennai to release the theatrical trailer of Baahubali’s Tamil version. Speaking on the occasion, Rajamouli said that like every director in this country, even he aspires to direct the Superstar Rajinikanth someday.
It is well known that Rajinikanth himself expressed his interest in working with Rajamouli during the audio release function of Vikrama Simha (Kochadaiiyan). Superstar went on to praise Rajamouli’s passion and commitment towards his craft and even visited the sets of Baahubali in the Ramoji Film City.
With Rajamouli’s statement, discussions have started about whether the Rajamouli-Rajinikanth combination will materialise in the near future.