Mega camp hero varun tej is arriving in theatres for this year end with debut film ‘Mukunda’ amidst huge expectations. Directed by Srikant Addala, the film has Pooja Hegde doing the heroine. Away from this sweet and cute romantic genre, Mega Fans always desire to see their heroes with mass and rugged mannerisms in action oriented flicks. So, there were wide spread gossips on Varun has selected an action script for his second project and a top director’s name was also tagged for the same.
However, Mega camp reports are clarifying that Varun and Naga Babu are in no hurry to announce or finalize the second project until the result of ‘Mukunda’ will be out. Varun is bearing the huge burden of satisfying Mega Fans and they cannot commit any mistake during this early career time. So, Mega Brother Naga Babu is maintaining low profile with respect to Varun’s current and upcoming projects