Superstar Prince Mahesh Babu has taken a break from the hefty schedule of his latest film Srimanthudu shooting was busy in the Wedding of his uncle G. AdhiSeshagiri Rao’s son. Prince Mahesh was enjoying the wedding ceremony of his cousin by receiving the guests.
Meanwhile, Team Srimanthudu started dubbing from other end, right from the comedians to other actors who finished their part. Among them, Star Comedian Vennela Kishore who became hit pair in comedy with Mahesh Babu started dubbing,today.
Prince Mahesh Babu also going to start dubbing shortly, only after the few pending scenes shot. Director and Team Srimanthudu also planning to finish Mahesh’s dubbing either before or after the songs were shot. About this no official confirmation was there, but Mahesh will start dubbing,soon.