Released in 2009, Magadheera stunned everyone with its never seen before visual effects, magnanimity in terms grandeur and production values on Telugu screen. The film had Ram Charan, who was doing his second film but totally nailed it with his terrific performance as Kalabhairava. Now, Mgadheera Ram Charan cannot stop praising his mentor Rajamouli's latest visual wonder Baahubali.
Expressing his amazement on his Facebook profile, Ram Charan said, 'I know i'm late but just experienced the Bahubali trailer.most stunning visuals I have ever seen.I'm speechless.but not surprised coz only Rajamouli Garu can do this.Hats-off to the whole team'. This shows the kind of trust Cherry has in Rajamouli.
Apart from praising the trailer and its director, Cherry also has a few nice things to say about his close friend Rana and even Prabhas. Cherry further wrote, 'Can't imagine anybody playing these characters.feel proud to see my friends in these visuals...All the best guys!!' It is heartening to see a leading star openly appreciating the hardwork of his colleagues without any ego and prejudice. Well done, Ram Charan!
Expressing his amazement on his Facebook profile, Ram Charan said, 'I know i'm late but just experienced the Bahubali trailer.most stunning visuals I have ever seen.I'm speechless.but not surprised coz only Rajamouli Garu can do this.Hats-off to the whole team'. This shows the kind of trust Cherry has in Rajamouli.
Apart from praising the trailer and its director, Cherry also has a few nice things to say about his close friend Rana and even Prabhas. Cherry further wrote, 'Can't imagine anybody playing these characters.feel proud to see my friends in these visuals...All the best guys!!' It is heartening to see a leading star openly appreciating the hardwork of his colleagues without any ego and prejudice. Well done, Ram Charan!