Hansika Motwani made her debut in Tollywood with the film ‘Desamuduru’. The way she was presented casting her to pair with Allu Arjun mesmerized audiences. They earned the reputation of a good pair. Subsequently, no film has been made with them in the lead. Normally, directors produce films casting the successful pair again and again. After ‘Desamuduru’ no other film has been made with the pair in the lead. Chances are likely that the pair is going to entertain audiences shortly.
Under the direction of Boyapati Sreenu a film is being made with Allu Arjun as hero. The film is going to sets in the last week of June. Currently, heroines are being shortlisted for the film. According to well places sources, Hansika has been shortlisted as one of the heroines. There is a vacancy for another heroine in the film.
Under the direction of Boyapati Sreenu a film is being made with Allu Arjun as hero. The film is going to sets in the last week of June. Currently, heroines are being shortlisted for the film. According to well places sources, Hansika has been shortlisted as one of the heroines. There is a vacancy for another heroine in the film.