The most awaited film of Pawan Kalyan Gabbar Singh 2 has recently started its shooting on May 29th in Pune in a small village which was a good news to his fans. The best part of the news is it has already completed the first schedule,
Babi will be directing this film after tasting the success of 'Power' and he expressed his happiness that he feels so lucky to work with Pawan Kalyan. Anisha Ambrose wil be seen in the female lead while Devi Sri Prasad is giving the music. The producers are setting the stage to release the film by Pongal 2016.
Babi will be directing this film after tasting the success of 'Power' and he expressed his happiness that he feels so lucky to work with Pawan Kalyan. Anisha Ambrose wil be seen in the female lead while Devi Sri Prasad is giving the music. The producers are setting the stage to release the film by Pongal 2016.