Director AS Ravi Kumar Chowdary started his new film on Saturday in Hyderabad, with Gopichand under the banner of Bhavya Creations produced by V Anand. Sreedhar Seepana clapped the muhurat shot while producer Anand Prasad switched on the camera and AS Ravi Kumar Chowdary directed the first shot.
Director AS Ravi Kumar Chowdary say, "Anand Prasad gave me birth as a director while Gopi Chand gave me a brake and I feel very happy to work with Gopichand once again. Sreedhar seepana gave a good story and happy to work with Kona and Gopi.
I am working with the same team who worked for Loukyam other than Prasad Murella and director Ravi Kumar Chowdary. It has been 10 years for Yagnam and working with Ravi Kumar now. I liked the story very much narrated by Sreedhar Seepana and this film is has more comedy, heroism and emotions after Loukyam. It will definitely be a very good movie." Says Gopichand.
Music director: Anup Rubens,
Editor: Gautham Raju,
Story and dialogues: Sreedhar Seepana,
Screen play: Kona Venkat, Gopi Mohan,
Cinematographer: Prasad Murella.