After a Rs 30 crore weekend, All eyes have been on the performance of 'S/O Satyamurthy' on its first Monday. The film has collected around Rs 2.1 crore AP/Nizam share on Day 5 which is a non-holiday.
Trade Circles say, 'S/O Satyamurthy' is rock solid in all the A Centres but just average in B & C Centres. In Nizam, This family drama is doing exceptionally well and it is likely to cross Rs 10 crore-mark by the end of 1st Week itself.
'S/O Satyamurthy' is likely to collect a Worldwide share of around Rs 38 crore in its First Week. So, It has to recover Rs 16 crore more in the full run to get a break even and that's a tough ask, especially with two new films 'Kanchana 2' & 'Ok Bangaram' hitting the screens on this Friday. Can Allu Arjun-Trivikram continue the success streak?
Trade Circles say, 'S/O Satyamurthy' is rock solid in all the A Centres but just average in B & C Centres. In Nizam, This family drama is doing exceptionally well and it is likely to cross Rs 10 crore-mark by the end of 1st Week itself.
'S/O Satyamurthy' is likely to collect a Worldwide share of around Rs 38 crore in its First Week. So, It has to recover Rs 16 crore more in the full run to get a break even and that's a tough ask, especially with two new films 'Kanchana 2' & 'Ok Bangaram' hitting the screens on this Friday. Can Allu Arjun-Trivikram continue the success streak?