Pawan Kalyan Stopped Vijay Kaththi Release In Telugu..???

PawanKalyan who is Busy with his new Film Gopala Gopala Movie Shooting concentrated on Kaththi release as he is thinking to remake it in Telugu rather than dubbing directly into Telugu.

Kaththi declared as a Hit in Kollywood where Vijay Fans stormed into theaters by watching repeatedly in Just Few Hours.Tagore Madhu who bought the Telugu rights of Kaththi planned to remake it with Pawan Kalyan rather releasing directly,As the movie related to social issues Tagore Madhu believed that it will impress him and accept it do in Telugu.Hope Pawan Kalyan and Tagore Madhu come to a final decision regarding Kaththi Movie.

Tamil Star Vijay’s ‘Kaththi’ which released for Diwali has taken a humongous opening. The opening day figures stand at around 15 crores which is among the top openings for a Tamil film. The dubbing rights were also sold at a good price to Tagore Madhu. After the stupendous success of the Tamil version, the makers are now in plans to remake it with a top actor as the lead.
According to the latest reports, it is being said that the producers are planning to rope in Pawan Kalyan for the role. If this project materializes, it will be a huge step for Pawan Kalyan who already has a great mass following. Keep watching this space for more update on this film.

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