They Make Fools Out Of Prabhas Marriage

Today, April 1, is the day to be extra-cautious when sharing exciting new stories from your social media feeds. The more chances you ignore, more you'd be labelled as fool this April. Though it's very dated idea to publish April fool joke as breaking story, media houses are still keen on playing such practical jokes with their readers.

Cracking one such April fool joke, a leading tabloid based in Hyderabad has written an 'exclusive' story on Baahubali actor Prabhas stating that he is finally tying the knot. It also carried the whole story cooking up with all necessary details of 'bride-to-be' and particulars of 'her family'. If this is not enough, it wrote how the two families met for a dinner celebrating Baahubali's win and Prabhas proposed the girl to marry. This is not all. The 'breaking' story further says that the couple would get engaged in two weeks and wedding would be held on July 31. Thus it fools all its readers to the hilt.

What's more funny is that many other news websites started sharing the same story not knowing that it's April Fool prank. Whatever, the purpose of the media house to fool many is survived. 

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