Oopiri touches 48 Crores mark

Lack of any other competition at box office, the slow start "Oopiri" got has turned phenomenal and currently the movie is enjoying 48 crores of 'share' collection from box office. 

After 24 days post the release, "Oopiri" has made nearly 21.2+ crores from two Telugu states, while Tamil version collected 13.4+ crores from Tamilnadu. Other places like Karnataka registered 4.5 crores for both Telugu and Tamil version, while Telugu version collected 6.45 crores 'share' abroad in USA. If we include rest of the world collections, Oopiri has made nearly 47.8+ crores 'share', nearing 50 crore mark. 

As the film is made with 60 crores investment, now that box office collections are nearing 50 crores, definitely the income through selling of satellite rights is going to help PVP reach shores. 

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