RGV again used foul mouth on Ganesha

Once again RGV used his foul mouth on Lord Ganesha on the auspicious day. Varma, on the first day of Ganpati, put up a series of posts on Twitter about Lord Ganesh which sounded like his subtle profanity on the vinayka.

Here are the tweets posted by RGV

May Lord Ganesha bless everyone with so much of great health that no doctor will have any work and all hospitals will close down.

May Lord Ganesha bless everyone with so much of wealth that they stop working and just sit at home and do nothing

May Lord Ganesha bless everyone with so much of happiness that everyone constantly keeps smiling and laughing at each other for no reason

May Lord Ganesha with his blessings make each and every film a super hit including the remake of "Aag"

I pray Ganesha to change me from an eccentric arrogant bastard to a gentle,sweet n extremely God fearing human being

Am so happy that my prayers to Lord Ganesha reached everywhere

Some unscrupulous elements are barking that I am being sarcastic ..I swear on Lord Ganesha that I mean all my tweets from my heart"

Last year also RGV ignited controversy by making objectionable tweets. Several police complaints were filed against Varma in Mumbai for his remarks on Lord Ganesh and he later apologized for his tweets.

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