Energetic star Ram’s Shivam theatrical trailer was released, just now. Shivam theatrical trailer was looking promising with all kind of Super hit stuff. Shivam theatrical trailer contained all the elements including action,love and comedy with explosive dialogues.
This Shivam trailer assured that Ram character got all the variations. Especially, the ending dialogue of trailer would make Ram fans boisterous in theaters. In trailer, DOP, stunts and visuals were fabulous. Despite Shivam trailer reminding the current success formula, it got Ram as explosion to entertain the movie lovers and fans.
Already, DSP music earned A-grade and he definitely rock Shivam background score also. In Shivam, Ram and Raashi Khanna were the lead pair, produced by Sravanthi Ravi Kishore and directed by Srinivas Reddy.
Shivam Theatrical Trailer Exploded..