Nandamuri Kalyan Ram who tasted the huge success with the sensational hit of Pataas was finished the shooting for his upcoming action entertainer Sher. Sher movie total shooting was completed with the final tiny Bangkok schedule.
In Bangkok schedule, wonderful song was pictured on Kalyan Ram and Seductive Beauty Sonal Chauhan. Well producer Komara Venkatesh and director Mallikharjun was confirmed the completion of Sher shooting and revealed that they were planning for a huge audio launch event by the end of September.
In addition, they revealed that Sher would release across the globe in the second week of October. In Sher, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Sonal Chauhan, Rao Ramesh, Rohini, Mukesh Rishi and Brahmanandam were the lead cast, music was composed by Sensational Thaman, produced by Komara Venkatesh under Vijay Lakshmi Pictures and directed by Mallikharjun.