Director Teja and his Hora Hori team have promoted their film vigorously. While Teja created controversy by making contentious remarks on Mahesh Babu and other industry biggies, music director Kalyani Koduri revealed interesting facts of his cousin Rajamouli directed Baahubali.
Reacting about MM Keeravani's retirement in two years, Koduri said, "It was really a big shock for me too. I am mainly thinking of the fact that who would put their best like annayya (Keeravani) do for Rajamouli. I don't think I am the right person to replace him. I am in fact a good composer, but not even 5% of annayya's credibility. According to my view, AR Rahman will be better option for Rajamouli"
Kalyan Koduri also revealed that, if he couldn't work day and night for Baahubali, the movie wouldn't have seen lights on time. "Rajamouli asked me to supervise sound mixing for Baahubali, since he wasn't too convinced with other's work. I worked almost day and night for a month to complete the work. When Rajamouli, annayya and me are watching the final output in a premiere theater in Mumbai, Rajamouli hugged me tightly and thanked me for giving best output. I will never forget the moment. It was my second film with him after Magadheera."
The talented composer has provided soothing as well as mass beats for Hora Hori. The audio was a decent hit. The music director hopes, Hora Hori will give him big break.
Reacting about MM Keeravani's retirement in two years, Koduri said, "It was really a big shock for me too. I am mainly thinking of the fact that who would put their best like annayya (Keeravani) do for Rajamouli. I don't think I am the right person to replace him. I am in fact a good composer, but not even 5% of annayya's credibility. According to my view, AR Rahman will be better option for Rajamouli"
Kalyan Koduri also revealed that, if he couldn't work day and night for Baahubali, the movie wouldn't have seen lights on time. "Rajamouli asked me to supervise sound mixing for Baahubali, since he wasn't too convinced with other's work. I worked almost day and night for a month to complete the work. When Rajamouli, annayya and me are watching the final output in a premiere theater in Mumbai, Rajamouli hugged me tightly and thanked me for giving best output. I will never forget the moment. It was my second film with him after Magadheera."
The talented composer has provided soothing as well as mass beats for Hora Hori. The audio was a decent hit. The music director hopes, Hora Hori will give him big break.