As part of the ongoing promotional activities for the movie Srimanthudu, Superstar Mahesh Babu made time to interact with his twitter fans. He arranged a question hour going by the tag ‘Ask Srimanthudu’, which trended ‘Nationally’ at the top. Here are some interesting responses from the interaction with fans.
Q: Is there any scene in Sreemanthudu which has challenged you as an actor?
Mahesh: The pre climax scene
Q: Heard that, you are going to do a James bond kind of movie with Rajamouli sir. is it true?
Mahesh: Not true.
Q: Can we expect a movie with 3 generations of your family like Manam-Krishna garu, you, Gautam and Sitara (Guest role)
Mahesh: If a good script comes along, then why not.
Q: As fans we want at least 2 movies in a year. Can we expect it to be fulfilled for this year?
Mahesh: Guys, I’m trying really hard.. hope it works out that way.
Q: Your favorite book?
Mahesh: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
Q: What’s the best part of being a dad to 2 sweet cutie pies ?
Mahesh: You can’t explain that feeling
Q: Are you coming to watch Srimanthudu this time with fans?
Mahesh: Of course.. Its the best way to watch a film
Q: Sir your advice to students ???
Mahesh: Watch Srimanthudu
Q: What about multi starer with Pawan Kalyan?
Mahesh: Why Not?