My New Hobby, 'Block, Ignore, Unfriend!'

Looks like the cancellation of her engagement to Varun Manian has changed the dusky Chennai lass Trisha in and out. The usually outgoing and talkative Trisha has now limited her world both personal space and on social media. And now, Trisha has set up new rules for her personal happiness.

Tweeting about her latest state of mind, Trisha said, "My fav new hobby-Block, Ignore, Unfriend! No negativity, bitchiness, unforgivnes or cynicism allowd in my happy bubble. Rules apply 2 evrybody!" These words are not random but speak volumes about how she will be treating the people around her.

Post her breakup, Trisha spoke her mind after several months and revealed facts about the reasons that led to the cancellation of her engagement. Trisha said that it was not just a personal choice and that several people were involved in her breakup. Well, this dynamic lass is now determined to surf the tide.

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