Popular as the Indian Michael Jackson, choreographer turned actor and a star director, Prabhu Deva has now stepped into film production. The multifaceted talent has organised a press meet this morning in Chennai to unveil the logo of his production house and talked about his plans behind entering the production scene.
Prabhu Deva said that he set up Prabhu Deva Studios with a penchant for producing high quality and content oriented cinema. Prabhu Deva further said that his banner will provide platform to creative talent crossing all the regional and creative challenges. The dancing sensation of India also said that a few big names will help him find the raw talent across the country.
The first official announcement regarding the banner's first film will be revealed on 3rd August. "We would be working towards getting the new, bright and young minds to limelight in all possible ways," said Prabhu Deva.รข€‹ After dabbling with acting and choreography, Prabhu Deva is now a hotshot director in Bollywood. He is currently directing Singh Is Bling, starring Akshay Kumar.
Prabhu Deva said that he set up Prabhu Deva Studios with a penchant for producing high quality and content oriented cinema. Prabhu Deva further said that his banner will provide platform to creative talent crossing all the regional and creative challenges. The dancing sensation of India also said that a few big names will help him find the raw talent across the country.
The first official announcement regarding the banner's first film will be revealed on 3rd August. "We would be working towards getting the new, bright and young minds to limelight in all possible ways," said Prabhu Deva.รข€‹ After dabbling with acting and choreography, Prabhu Deva is now a hotshot director in Bollywood. He is currently directing Singh Is Bling, starring Akshay Kumar.