Director upset with ban on P0rn

RGV is always different when compare to others. Be it his tweets on social media or observations about on-going topics RGV always attracts attention. After speaking equivocally on magnum opus Baahubali, and meeting Karntaka Ex-Don Muttappa Rai, now he he shifted focus to new topic. He is attacking the Goverment for banning porn!

Its known that most internet service providers blocked access to porn sites and displaying blank pages from past two days.RGV seems to be depressed with the act and he said "depriving consenting adults" of watching porn is equivalent to what "Taliban and ISIS is doing to freedom".

RGV showed his emotional outburst on Twitter by tweeting this following way:

"Considering the sheer popularity of Porn whichever government owns up to banning it is sure to be wiped out of existence in next election

Government should work on finding ways to steer the content not to go in wrong directions rather than to block it

To deprive consenting adults of the harmless fun they ar having of watching porn is equivalent of what Taliban nd Isis is doing to freedom

To ban porn saying it will be seen by who shouldn't see it is like saying to stop traffic because there will be accidents

I frankly find this worry of children watching porn is foolish because if they are not yet sexually awakened it would mean nothing to them

Once children reach an age of sexual awakening with or without porn they will sexually awaken as they have since human species were born

All in all any deprivation of personal liberty of an individual by a government amounts to a regression of social progress of that country

History proved it multiple times that if anytime anything is banned it will just gather strength in the underground

The best way to tackle a presumed menace is to bring it out in open rather than pushing it under the rug or pretending it doesn't exist

It's a proven fact by international surveys that instead of fuelling sexual crimes porn actually provides safer outlet for sexual repression"

Naturally, everybody in the Internet world are flabbergasted seeing these shocking tweets from RGV.

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