‘Baahubali’ emerged as most watched Indian film ever in the country’s 85 years of Cinema History. Over 3.5 crore tickets of the epic action drama are being sold in just 2 weeks and it now officially surpassed Aamir Khan’s ‘PK’ lifetime ticket sales. In the long run, ‘Baahubali’ might even come close to the 5 crore-mark.
In the Telugu States alone, Around 1.7 crore tickets of ‘Baahubali’ were sold out.
In Karnataka, Over 40 lakh ticket sales of ‘Baahubali’ registered.
In Tamil Nadu & Kerala, At least 55 lakh tickets of ‘Baahubali’ are being bought by the movie buffs.
Rest of India including the Hindi version, Ticket sales are estimated to be anywhere around 90 lakh.
Top 5 Films with Highest Tickets Sales at the Indian Box Office:
i) Baahubali (2 weeks) – 3.5 Crore-plus
ii) PK – 3.5 Crore
iii) Robo – 3 Crore
iv) 3 Idiots – 3 Crore
v) Dhoom 3 – 2.8 Crore