The former Miss India, model, actress Namrata Shirodkar dons many hats in real life. Mother of two kids, she is spending quality time with them and shaping up their lives brightly. The interesting revelation is that she is good singer and sings to her kids Gautam, Sitara.
"Yes I sing to my kids. The latest song that I sing for my daughter Sitara was Let it go from Frozen. We do a little dance too. She likes Rama Rama too and for songs from Mahesh's films," shared Namrata. She also sings songs of Mahesh for Gautam who is a big fan of his dad's songs. But ask her whether she will be singing for her doting husband Mahesh? She laughs and said, "No, I don't sing for Mahesh...That opportunity never came."
Now that she's into production and made a comeback into movie world, does she has any plans to return to acting as well? Namrata was quick to answer. Pat came reply. "I don't think so. My kids are still small and once you commit a film, you have to be there and everything comes second. You have to give that kind of time and energy to the film. Also, I'm not an active producer. Mythri Movie Makers have been active producers and they aare hands on. I've involved myself in the marketing," said Namrata signing off.
"Yes I sing to my kids. The latest song that I sing for my daughter Sitara was Let it go from Frozen. We do a little dance too. She likes Rama Rama too and for songs from Mahesh's films," shared Namrata. She also sings songs of Mahesh for Gautam who is a big fan of his dad's songs. But ask her whether she will be singing for her doting husband Mahesh? She laughs and said, "No, I don't sing for Mahesh...That opportunity never came."
Now that she's into production and made a comeback into movie world, does she has any plans to return to acting as well? Namrata was quick to answer. Pat came reply. "I don't think so. My kids are still small and once you commit a film, you have to be there and everything comes second. You have to give that kind of time and energy to the film. Also, I'm not an active producer. Mythri Movie Makers have been active producers and they aare hands on. I've involved myself in the marketing," said Namrata signing off.