Baahubali Trailer Breakdown – 77 shots, 2:05 Minutes of Journey to a World Never Seen Before!

“77 shots have been placed on their trailer’s timeline. Only If you have a very deep love for cinema and highly interested about the trailer, then read on the below dissection, to understand it better.
2. Mahismathi kingdom, Aerial shot, slow zoom in from the moving clouds in the foreground.
(A very ancient kingdom mentioned in all the sacred texts possible, Ramayana, mahabhartaha, Padma puranam, Bhagavata puranam, Harivamsam and many other puranas. situated on the river bank of narmada. Present day, maheshwar, madhya Pradesh. One of the most powerful kingdoms ruled by the mightiest of all kings, kartaviryarjuna, so mighty that he even held The Ravana, King of lanka, as his captive. There was a Linga connection between Ravana, this place and kartavirya. Rajamouli adapts the history to his world just like sher khan played by sri hari was picked from sher shah, The Lion king who single handedly took control of the mughal empire in 1540. So Prabhas carrying linga, that too a demolished one, you can see its bottom broken when he carries on his shoulders. So may be the history might have helped him or not, lets see in the movie. mahismati used to have the finest cave temples, so grandiose, so magnanimous. The people of that kingdom are highly skilled in constructing temples, amazing architecture, celebrating coronations, waging wars, political affairs, artillery, crafts etc. Rajamouli said a many number of times about his influences from epics, so might have put the name for the impact of a powerful empire, well its just my thought)
3. High angle shot of a throne with a red cloth on it, with two big statues beside it. Night shot. we can see the flaming torches on either side of the throne and behind it. Ramya krishna walking with a dasi with a plate in her hands behind her. Since sivagami’s poster shows she catching her sari’s edge, here too she walks catching it. At that time of the day, a female walking in the durbar, that too so close to the throne, depicts two things. she being extremely good or suspiciously evil. Lets see that in the movie.
4. Aerial shot, preparations for the battle
5. Low angle, camera pans to left to reveal a woman in bondage (my favorite poster, very emotional, very deep). Anushka, chained, sun, a tower and clouds on top of her. As rajamouli previously mentioned she has been held captive for years. her torn jute fabric, her bruised hands, soiled hair and skin says it all. will sivudu find her? why wasn’t she killed? why captive after bahubali’s death?
6. Rohini warning a boy not to go up saying ghosts and demons reside on the top. well thats not true. she just doesn’t want him to go up there. a forbidden life. Full of beautiful nature around the boy but not just the truth. Human psychology, we search for that one thing we want rather than whats available to us around. look at the frame properly, the boy keeps looking up fixedly even when she is warning him. he just wants to go there at any cost. what is she hiding? and why is she hiding? may be his life, in danger, in the top.
7. Camera tilt from top to bottom, to reveal the boy trying to go up. at any cost.
8. PRODUCERS CREDITS : A SHOBU YARLAGADDA, PRASAD DEVINENI PRODUCTION (They alone made this mega adventure, giga dream possible, their guts and strategies catapulted the movie multi directionally through out the nation and beyond boundaries, hats off to them, not easy to sleep every night with the thought they’ve invested 180 crores on a regional cinema)
9. The first step, left foot (an antique tribal anklet, only to left foot) placed on the ground, lushy green grass, did the child grew up to be a man? Did the man climb up? He runs forward happily or rather contentedly. The camera tilts up to reveal the mighty water falls.
10. 11. My most favorite shots. Prabhas climbing the rocks, rather a surreal heaven like atmosphere, greenery, water falls, rocks, birds etc. The rocks aren’t just upward, they are arched, inverted, like the Hunan floating mountains in China. (Now don’t say they look like in Avatar. Even Cameron was inspired by Zhangjiajie, Chinese floating mountains. So Rajamouli may be too. nature is everyone’s material!)
12. Prabhas jumps off the cliff.
13. A very beautiful shot, we can see Avantika (Tamanna) on the right, in white and Prabhas floating in mid air heading to Avantika with beautiful waterfalls in the back ground. May be that’s one giant leap for his character to know the truth that he always wanted to. Or maybe a major change in the plot, which drives it altogether in a different direction.
14. K. RAGHAVENDRA RAO, B.A. PRESENTS (Get ready for the world of baahubali, correct placement of his mentor’s name for he gave us many fantastical adventures like Jagadhekaveerudu Athilokasundhari, Saahasaveerudu Saagarakanya, how can Rajamouli payoff his respects to his teacher better than this?)
15. Avantika, white flowers and blue butterflies around her. Seduction can be seen. Almost like a welcome to prabhas. But welcome to what and how should be seen on screen.
16. The epic shot. Almost an isometric shot, With Shivudu in the center. Why the name Shivudu? And why a little linga around his neck? In the sketches, Rajamouli released earlier there was a temple ceremony, almost like a festival with Linga in its center. Was that the same linga they’ve thrown after the battle and his father’s death? Why was he carrying it? Did Baahubali, his father, worship Lord Shiva so much that he or the hand that rescued him in the final shot named him Shivudu? What’s with Linga, the temple? Must be seen. Sivudu jumping in air is an epic shot, beautiful choreography. with some village people dancing around. Is this a song?
17. Avantika running forward, looking backwards. Something smells fishy. When Rajamouli introduced her poster, he tagged her as an Angelic Avenger. And also described her as “Her beauty is shrouded in mystery”, meaning, she is not what she appears to be. Tamannah also said in the trailer launch that there were action sequences between her and prabhas which she found very difficult. Avenger is someone who cames back to take revenge for a punishment or loss they had earlier. Now was Tamannah’s relatives killed by Baahubali, Sivudu’s father? How does she got to know him when he was hid many years so safely beneath the forest is to be seen. What mystery does her beauty hold then? Well, that’s just my opinion.
18. 19. 20. 21.
Prabhas fights goons in snow. This was the sequence that they might have shot in Bulgaria, snow is very uncommon here, even if Himalayas, it’s very hard to shoot here. Is this Baahubali or Sivudu? Well my thought says Sivudu. He has linga around his neck and the tilak on his forehead. And a bit heavily built. He climbs rocks. Baahubali is a bit lean, warrior. Maybe he is in the search of his truth.
22. Another favorite shot. Camera slow dolly in. Look at those giant size warrior statues. Their shadow alone covers hundreds of feet on the ground. The war shows two armies. One indicates highly skilled battle formation, kind of an inverted V, and a chariot in the front, with well organized quarters, tents and catapults on either side of the statues. So this indicates a powerful and intelligent ruler. Is he Bhallaladeva or Baahubali? Other side people are just forwarding in masses with no patterns and formations, unorganized. They might be just strong but not smart. Well, that’s to see in movie.
23. A man hits the hammer to the large gong. Might be an announcement for a ceremony. Diagonal tilt.
24. Satin cloth uncovers a golden mighty statue, its face in particular, sleeping position. Seems like Bhallaladeva.
25. Yes, Bhallaladeva himself. An erect statue made out of solid gold tied by ropes. A king so flamboyant that he puts his own life size statue. Well, this says his ego or self proclamation of power. If we think people are great, we make a statue of them… if people think they are great, they make their own statue. Now that’s something troublesome. That kind of king doesn’t really care about his people who is so interested in himself showing his own pride. Even if he rules, he rules with force and not with love. That says it all. Connects to one single tag Rajamouli gave us, Bhallaladeva, a tyrant king. A cruel or may be wicked ruler.
26. Another of my favorite shots. They raise the statue. The statue looks so big that the people erecting it looks smaller than its single toe. The beautiful kumkum or red dye, that too in heaps bursts like a bomb all around it and people just sit fearing the gust of it. bhallala deva’s mighty statue erected and placed right.
27. Goon hitting prabhas on the head with a big log. Is he Baahubali or Sivudu?
28. A trademark SS Rajamouli shot. A foot stamping prabhas’ face. he looks so determined yet so helpless. I bet this scene puts us to tears, maybe. Whose foot it is? Now who dares to put this kind of shot openly in the trailer when there are millions of fans waiting to see their most favorite star to be utterly heroic? this is where rajamouli stands out from rest of all the other contemporary directors. his mega trick. to push hero to a corner so that he can burst out with extreme intensity. Remember that little boy struggling for breath circled around and unattended by the whole village in chathrapathi? Remember his friend dying in his own hands in chathrapathi? Remember that Ramcharan who wants to get hold of Kajal before falling into the valley but killed by ranadevbilla? Remember nani stamped to death by sudeep on the throat? Remember Nitin and his friends watching their dearest friend sashank’s back being broken by shutting off the college’s grills before their own eyes? Remember Jr.Ntr being stabbed from all sides in Yamadonga? Thats the pinnacle or meridian Rajamouli has always mastered since the beginning of his career, the best trick in his bag. ‘retreat now, only to attack later’. Rajamouli makes hero ‘the weaker’ only to prove that hero is ‘the strongest’. this is very simple to understand but very hard to achieve. Cos it shouldn’t be dramatic but inspiring. shouldn’t be down falling but goosebumpy.
29. mahishmati city gate with two elephants on either side, establishment, very mighty, very architectural, surrounded by mountains. if its so close to mountains, then it might be definitely on a very high area.
30. Bhallaladeva, Adivi Sesh, nazar marching towards a cage, chained. what does it have? an animal? a human, anushka? if one looks close, we can see satyaraj behind, white bearded. that says us something, he was on bahubali side. in the poster he sported black beard. so after bahubali’s death, if, he have no choice but be there with bhallaladeva. Rajamouli mentioned in his poster as ‘a lifetime of living by the code of honour, the slave warrior’. slave to bhallaladeva post bahubali’s death? then definitely sivudu meets him or he needs sivudu. Rajamouli also mentioned ‘weigh you down in pain?’ Pain of? losing bahubali? being helpless about devasena’s capture?
31. Men tied and whipped. slaves, maybe. Typical tyranny of bhallaladeva.
32. Now satyaraj touches a knife, with a horse handle to it. that’s the one bahubali once used. it has some red stains on it. blood or kumkum? is he offering it to sivudu?
33. Slaves being whipped while pulling the Bhallaladeva’s statue forward. if you pay some attention and look at the bottom of the pale maroon colored cloth, you can see two heaps of kumkum or red dye. we’ve already seen they exploding when the bottom of the statue hits them in shot 26. Normally a king like that has an enormous labour to do those jobs patiently. but why hit them? why see them as slaves? were they his enemies? Do they belong to someother king? his enemy? bahubali maybe? Is that why sivudu was hidden? to be a free man?
34. A gust of sand. Child fears at once. What was that?
35. Elephant went awry. cos his mahout looks worrying. why? is it objecting something? or did it see anyone surprisingly? Did it see sivudu and greeted him for his return?
36. Nazar’s cunning laugh says it all. tyranny and barbarism. Look at his left hand. From the shoulder to the fingers. diseased, bent, crooked. beautiful VFX, character’s physical design.
37. Crazy bull runs forcefully to hit its target in the open arena
38. Rana might be killing the bull, thats how the director shows how powerful bhallaladeva is. No jewellery, no clothes above the waist shows that he is in the arena, like a wrestler, practicing bull fight, for strength
39. 40.
Prabhas fights and smashes a goon’s head
41. 42. 43.
Rain, close shot, Prabhas’s eyes, he turns backwards, people looking at him, may be a fight, Lightning, they maybe his followers. Did bahubali leave the palace? Did bhallaladeva send forces to kill him?
44. someone slides towards prabhas. white bearded. Prabhas with a sword in his hand
45. 46. people folding their hands together for something or someone in ecstasy and gratitude, including rohini, who first warned the little boy. why the gratitude? whats the revealation? Dailog in the B.G. “Neneppudoo choodani kallu nannu devudilaa choosthunnaayi”
47. Prabhas, with a mask, in red turban and an armour against the sunlight with gopurams behind him. Lean and armoured, so i assume him to be baahubali.
48. Sivudu asks maybe, satyaraj, the question “Nenu evarni?”, this gives the audience an idea of the story itself. A man in search of his identity. And definitely with an amazing background.
49. Perfect placement. AN SS RAJAMOULI FILM, the credit which the whole nation now will know after this movie, and what he is capable of? Just like in I teaser, shankar places his credit when vikram pulls back his hood. Powerful directors always know when to put their name. They punch up the intensity of the trailer so much that one single pause makes us put our head forward and look close and then they hit us back with their name. Thats a thing that comes from critical understanding of emotion.
50. Black horse running through the flames, only its legs seen, from sideways, Dialog in the B.G. “maa dhevudu amarendra baahubali rakthaanivi nuvvu”. hence confirmed bhallaladeva and baahubali, brothers. but own or cousins, should be seen. bhallaladeva is sivudu’s uncle, paternal, maybe. So shivudu comes back for what rightly belongs to him, the kingdom and his dad’s beloved ones’ freedom.
51. Horse’s head shown, decorated, in a warfield, baahubali riding it
52. Amarendra baahubali looks directly into the camera, with a tilak on his forehead, this moment may be historic cos, the movie is named on him, his clear decision for a war or to stand against something barbaric makes him a powerful lead character, as chosen by rajamouli
53. baahubali calls ‘jai mahishmati’ with lots of priests around him and satyaraj, younger, sporting a black beard, all ready for the war. is it against bhallaladeva? is he claiming his kingdom? why did bhallaladeva want it all for him? baahubali takes oath on his kingdom, meaning he is on the side of justice. Look at his powerful arms when he stretches them for the oath, true they call him baahubali, the man with the stong arms. (baahuvulu-arms, balam-strength)
54. Might be rajamouli’s favourite shot. In magadheera too the horse hits out into the arena from the water splash just before the interval. here prabhas, sivudu, cos he looks bulky (the man who grew up in forests, climbing rocks always looks heftier than a man being a warrior and waging wars) hits the rocky heap and raises high on his horse
55. bhallaladeva, the villain, blood on his face, looks directly into the camera, with priests on his side, may be confronting hero, a one on one duel time, war time
56. Another epic shot, black army running into the camera, masses and masses of them, with loads of weapons and arrows flying all over, in the sky
57. Prabhas, on horse, slashes a man on ground with his sword, villagers look in awe
58. Now this shot sports two of the finest actors we’ve been seeing since our childhood. ramyakrishna in the foreground with nazar who comes out sideways from her behind in the background. Sivagami looks furious, big eyed. Nazar with black moustache, so, may be in the past times, when bahubali was alive. when the brothers were fighting for the kingdom. One should definitely not mistake Sivagami for evil shade cos’ rajamouli tagged her as ‘epitome of justice’ in her poster. Is she holding or protecting something good? whats that justice?
59. kalakeya’s brutality on warfield, definitely an adrenaline and horrifying approach of rajamouli maybe. remember katraj and bhikshu yadhav? their killings? More and more to come on the battlefield now with prabhakar this time, i guess. Look at his evil eye and tilak, it may be someone’s blood put as tilak, i bet.
60. Just the shot 22 cut from the opposite side. Black unorganized army running towards perfectly planned and formed army. as Rajamouli said kalakeya commands 1,00,000 army. Camera zooms out to show flag poles showing hanging skulls of bulls and black flags with unidentifiable symbol on it painted in red.
61. that one epic shot where we are no less than a troy or an exodus or any other war movie ever made. Lakhs of soldiers from both the armies colliding with all their might. Now who are the both armies? one, kalakeya. two, only baahubali or only bhallaladeva or they both unite to fight against kalakeya?
62. bhallaladeva swinging his weapon round and round which collapses the soldiers at once surrounding him.
63. A fast cut, not many people notice it, Sivudu chained, punches hard a face. may be this is when he comes to mahismathi knowing what happened to his father
64. bahubali, on the warfield attacks and shatters the enemies all around. like a big human bomb exploding in slow motion.
65. bahubali shouts, like a roaring tiger
66. bahubali razing off enemies from his path
67. another epic emotion, bhallaladeva spits blood and asks for more, on the battlefield, makes him megavillain in the history of tollywood, one role, as he always asked for, one role, is enough
68. bahubali attacks with his sword, a swift gesture
69. Bhallaladeva, with a very big ghastly sword in his hand, calling baahubali, might be an epic moment, that kick the war, the blood, the greed gives you, you can see it all in his face
70. bahubali uses an axe, lot of weaponry might have been used for the deadly armies, another work rajamouli was always good at, designing his own weapons. he gave one to NTR in simhadri, to nani in Eega(that small needle), to Ravi teja in Vikramarkudu. Then was a fantasy. Now is the need. Imagine what he ll come up with now!
71. bahubali aims an arrow with its head on flame. a very quick shot. if you can’t see it here, see the first bahubali poster with prabhas aiming high to string an arrow with his bow.
72. 73. war. bahubali just advances forward in opposite direction shredding soldiers to pieces. bit by bit, blood and guts. slow motion treat.
74. bahubali jumps high in air against kalakeya. a typical peter heins choreography. beautiful rope work. Look at kalakeya and his heavy stone mallet. lets see how they both fought. Neither are easy to retire so easily on the field.
75. THE TITLE : BAHUBALI, THE BEGINNING. a beautiful metal grunge font. To me, periodic wars always depict two things, metal and blood. Zack snyder chose blood font for 300. wolfgang peterson chose metal for troy. Rajamouli’s choice too is very good.
76. A hand, with its body completely inside the water raising a baby out of waters, against the sun. the visual gives us a hope. Rajamouli already said, “Every story has ONE single moment at its core which defines & drives the entire plot. What follows is the HEART of bahubali, the beginning. He has to fulfill his destiny, come what may!!!” Look at the baby’s clothes. very royal. He looks very blessed, healthy and active. The bangles of the hand raising him mean the hand is a female. Now the question is, is it anushka’s or ramyakrishna’s? since devasena is captured, i believe its sivagami’s. Thus justifying her description by Rajamouli, “the epitome of justice”
77. billing credits, for all the excellent people who tried to make telugu cinema proud. followed by the master’s stamp, an ss rajamouli film.”

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