The macho hero from the Mega family, Sai Dharam Tej impressed the Mega fans with his ease in acting, dances and even in fight sequences in his first two films. The actor has already neared the completion of his third flick, Subramanyam For Sale. Couple of days ago, the film's director Harish Shankar announced September 24th as the release date.
We all know that Sai's uncle, Megastar Chiranjeevi's blockbuster Tagore was also released on the same date. Not stopping here, Sai also decided to release the audio on 22nd August, on Chiru's birthday. While this amused all the Mega fans, here's more to Sai's efforts in wooing his another uncle, Powerstar Pawan Kalyan's fans.
Yesterday, the film's unit released a couple of stills and one particular still has caught everyone's attention. The still has striking similarities with that of the climax scene from Powerstar's classic hit, Tholi Prema. While it was Keerthi Reddy for Pawan, here its Regina for Sai, kissing on their foreheads. Incidentally, Pawan's name in Tholi Prema was Subramanyam. Well, too many coincidences?
We all know that Sai's uncle, Megastar Chiranjeevi's blockbuster Tagore was also released on the same date. Not stopping here, Sai also decided to release the audio on 22nd August, on Chiru's birthday. While this amused all the Mega fans, here's more to Sai's efforts in wooing his another uncle, Powerstar Pawan Kalyan's fans.
Yesterday, the film's unit released a couple of stills and one particular still has caught everyone's attention. The still has striking similarities with that of the climax scene from Powerstar's classic hit, Tholi Prema. While it was Keerthi Reddy for Pawan, here its Regina for Sai, kissing on their foreheads. Incidentally, Pawan's name in Tholi Prema was Subramanyam. Well, too many coincidences?