One Side, Mega Powerstar Ram Charan and Srinu Vaitla film shooting was going on swiftly and fastly in Old City Hyderabad to release on the announced date. But, suddenly there was a birth for confusion about Ram Charan and Srinu Vaitla film after Ram charan appeared on the sets in a cop avatar.
With this, there was a lot of confusion carried forward from the role of Ram Charan to the title. Previously known to everyone that Ram charan learned a new martial technique for his role as a stuntsman but this latest police avatar leading to new discussions…
This confusion was sounding high about the title also, till now RC9 was maximum expected as My Name Is Raju based on all the sentiments but with this cop avatar, there were few powerful titles aired as Supreme and Bruce Lee.
To get out of this confusion, all Megastar and Ram Charan fans, choose your favorite title from the three My Name Is Raju ,Supreme and Bruce Lee and comment in the box. But, don’t forget it should be powerful and loved by everyone.
To get out of this confusion, all Megastar and Ram Charan fans, choose your favorite title from the three My Name Is Raju ,Supreme and Bruce Lee and comment in the box. But, don’t forget it should be powerful and loved by everyone.