Hot actress Vishakha Singh has shocked one of her fan with tit for tat answer on her face book. The actress has posted a photograph of her on her face book a social networking site and she wrote “Everybody is somebody’s foreigner wearing Madversity’s cool new tee…looking forward to more such quotes”. However one of the fan made a comments on her picture saying “Nice looking and nice b*******ms”. For which Vishakha Singh immediately answered “Mr.MD Mustakim Saifi first remove that innocent child’s picture as your..dp and second hae the guts to put your own profile picture and then comment” she further said “I know I am a woman and for your general knowledge, yes all women have breasts, your mother, sister, wife, grandmother, aunts, daughter, friends All of them included. Do you walk up to them and say ‘nice b***s’? Feel sorry for you. Have the guts to say it on my face?? Else, get off my page.” However the actress finally removed the picture from her face book.