The government will launch the Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self Certification (TS-iPASS) system on Friday. Chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will announce the single window project approval system in the presence of hundreds of industrialists at HICC, Madhapur, at 11 am.
Officials said that confirmation on participation in the event was received from investors from the embassies of the United States, Iran, Dubai, Canada and other countries.
Over 100 chief executive officers and chairmen of companies, heads of Maharatna and Navaratna companies, public sector undertakings, and over 1,000 industrialists have confirmed their participation. Officers of various departments and people's representatives will also witness the event.
The event stage has been arranged to seat more than 100 VVIPs. The 40,000 sq ft hall area will house head honchos from across the globe. Six huge screens have been set up inside the venue. Arrangements have also been made to receive participants at the airport and take them directly to the venue. Hoardings have been put up on the stretch from airport to HICC showcasing the strengths and diversity of Telangana.
The TS-iPASS Bill was passed in the state assembly in November 2014. It claims to provide approvals to set up industries in Telangana within 15 days from the date of application. The government will release the guidelines and rules on industrial clearances and also launch a website for online approval system under TS-iPASS.
Officials said that confirmation on participation in the event was received from investors from the embassies of the United States, Iran, Dubai, Canada and other countries.
Over 100 chief executive officers and chairmen of companies, heads of Maharatna and Navaratna companies, public sector undertakings, and over 1,000 industrialists have confirmed their participation. Officers of various departments and people's representatives will also witness the event.
The event stage has been arranged to seat more than 100 VVIPs. The 40,000 sq ft hall area will house head honchos from across the globe. Six huge screens have been set up inside the venue. Arrangements have also been made to receive participants at the airport and take them directly to the venue. Hoardings have been put up on the stretch from airport to HICC showcasing the strengths and diversity of Telangana.
The TS-iPASS Bill was passed in the state assembly in November 2014. It claims to provide approvals to set up industries in Telangana within 15 days from the date of application. The government will release the guidelines and rules on industrial clearances and also launch a website for online approval system under TS-iPASS.