The week-long celebrations to observe Telangana state’s formation day concluded on Sunday, even as thousands of people thronged the Tank Bund area which wore a festive look, with the state capital decorated with colourful lights and flags. Telangana, which is India’s 29th state comprising ten districts, was carved out of the erstwhile undivided state of Andhra Pradesh on June 2, 2014.
Governor ESL Narasimhan and Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao along with cabinet colleagues among others witnessed the celebrations. The official celebrations, which began from June 2, incorporated a series of cultural and literary programmes along with a slew of events which showcased the rich history and culture of the new state
Governor ESL Narasimhan and Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao along with cabinet colleagues among others witnessed the celebrations. The official celebrations, which began from June 2, incorporated a series of cultural and literary programmes along with a slew of events which showcased the rich history and culture of the new state