Last time when Suriya was in Hyderabad for the audio launch event of ‘Rakshasudu’, Prabhas was the chief guest who promoted the film big way. For Rajamouli, promoting Suriya related films has become like a win-win situation where Suriya promised on stage that he would pay back when Jakkanna comes to Chennai to promote Baahubali, Tamil version.
True to his word, Suriya launched the Tamil version of ‘Baahubali’ trailer and spoke high of the epic movie and Rajamouli. His speech reflected the admiration he has for the director and thanked him for taking Indian movies ahead. Further Suriya compared ‘Baahubali’ to ‘Troy’, one of the most acclaimed epic movie from Hollywood.
He appealed to Tamil audience to watch the movie for its sheer brilliance and the hard work of all the technicians involved. Tamil version’s distribution rights were bagged by Studio Green 2, the production house which is like home production house for Suriya. Both ways, Suriya gave it back to Rajamouli & Prabhas in return for their good gesture to promote his film during audio event.