SS Rajamouli's most awaited film baahubali. the much awaited Sudeep's first look from 'Baahubali' is out throuogh a poster. Rajamouli had already said that it is going to be the most special poster among all the posters released till date.
Everybody sayin that Sudeep's Aslamkhan looks really great it. sudeep is seen wearing a white 'laalchi' and a black shawl and as expected , a sword in his hand.
Kiccha Sudeep's getup look like a Sherkhan in 'Magadheera' is still most talked about look after the lead actor. May it is coincidence or whatever, again Sudeep's character is a Muslim one, named as Aslamkhan. did Rajamouli develop a similar character again? After seeing this poster, so many people rising this qution.