Mega Powerstar Ram Charan who finished the Spain schedule by shooting two songs with the talented lucky lady Rakul Preet Singh under the direction of Srinu Vaitla was returned and immediately started the Hyderabad Schedule. In this schedule, the whole team was planning to shoot, until the film completed.
Meanwhile, Ram Charan shared some memories of his life diary on his social network account to cherish his fans and movie lovers. Mega Powerstar Ram Charan posted a photo of accumulating four unforgettable memories of Ram Charan with his dad, Mega Star Chiranjeevi.
In this pic, Ram Charan’s growth in his appearance wise as well as achievement wise, portraying to one and all with it. Ram Charan from a kid to grown Superstar wise collection was there and which was really a sweetest moment, not only to Ram charan but also his fans.
Watch N Enjoy,Ram Charan Diaries….