Superstar Rajinikanth who known for his simplicity and nobility has made a lot of difference to the efforts of Young Hero from Kollywood. Young Hero Aadhi who shocked everyone with his wonderful singing skills with Sokkana was experienced a sweet surprise from none other than Superstar Rajinikanth.
Rajinikanth, after listening the Sokkana song from Aadhi’s upcoming release Yaagavarayinum Naa Kakka(YNK) phoned and appreciated Aadhi. During the conversation, Rajini told that he watched the song and liked the way he sung. Rajini ended with an appreciation, “Well Done!” who was acted with him in Kochadaiiyaan.
Aadhi became numb, after he received the call from Superstar, Rajinikanth. In the Whole Conservation, Aadhi became listener and nervous all along the call. Along with Aadhi, Nikki Galrani was the female lead and the film was slated to release on 26th June.