Whenever a Kamal Haasan, Rajnikanth or Suriya’s film is getting ready for release, or even a Shankar’s film is all set for outing, the makers of their respective Tamil films arrange a seperate audio launch event in Hyderabad for Telugu versions and promote their films big way because they have huge market in Telugu, sometimes in par with their Tamil market.
According to the available data, Shankar films’ Telugu rights have around Rs.30 crore market, which is understandably a huge market for his films, making it easy to conquer the 100 crore club. Coming to Telugu films, only Rajamouli’s ‘Baahubali’ could get a record price of Rs.11 crores, the highest for any Telugu film till date, but far away from the market of Shankar in Telugu.
The price seems very promising and gives hope that ‘Baahubali’ would make Rajamouli powerful in Tamil arena. His Tamil version of ‘Eega’s success in Tamil market actually laid foundation for the grand reception of ‘Baahubali’ and like we look forward to any Shankar’s or Rajni’s movie, Tamil audiences are eagerly waiting for Rajamouli’s magnum opus.