Out of the blue, director-producer Gunasekhar has come forward to announce that his “Rudramadevi” will be hitting cinemas on June 26th. Even trade circles are puzzled with this announcement, while the release of Kick 2 got pushed into a fix with this movie. Pressure of releasing Rudramadevi at a most potential date got mounted on Gunasekhar a long time back. All of a sudden this pressure became a knife-on-neck kind for him as Baahubali got announced for July 10th. Considering the scale and quality of Baahubali, if Rudramadevi arrives after Rajamouli’s movie then it’s going to bear that pale look. That’s why Guna rushed to zero on a date suddenly. But Kick 2 is aiming at June 26th such that the film will get 2 weeks of time before Baahubali hits to amass decent collections. Now that Rudramadevi is coming on June 26th, there are plans to advance Raviteja’s movie to an early date. Until Baahubali arrives ,no doubt Kick 2 and Rudramadevi will be flexing muscles at each other to grab revenues.