In Raja Mouli’s prestigious film Prabhaas, Rana, Anushka and Tamanna are playing crucial roles. MM Keeravani scored music for the film. Discussions are going on the venue of the ‘Baahubali’ audio release program.
The program was originally scheduled to be held at Hyderabad on May 31. But it was put off fearing that it would not be possible to withstand the heavy turnout of fans.
The program was originally scheduled to be held at Hyderabad on May 31. But it was put off fearing that it would not be possible to withstand the heavy turnout of fans.
Afterwards, it was contemplated to hold the event in Ramoji Film City. According to latest information, the film unit has decided to conduct the audio release at NTR Garden in Tirupati amidst tight security. Arrangements are being made to rule out any inconvenience to fans.
The likely date for the audio release would be June 13, according to unconfirmed news.