Choreographer turned Director Prabhu Deva interacted with scribes during the promotions of ‘ABCD 2’ in Hyderabad. When asked about Allu Arjun’s special in the film, he said, he was not aware of it and may be film director Remo could have thought about it. He added he was not informed about it. When asked pointedly whether Allu Arjun starred in the film, he with a smile said he doesn’t know about it. He added as far as he is concerned he did a role. He said he loved Krishna Vamsi-Ram Charan’s ‘Govindudu Andari Vadele’. On his accident news, he questioned whether he looks like he suffered an accident. He added he expected ‘Bahubali’ to be a spectacular film even before the trailer launch and it proved it. It took Indian cinema to another level